Tuesday, July 12

Saturday, July 12.

This day was spent in fasting and prayer by my congregation, as preparatory to the sacrament. I discoursed, both parts of the day, from Rom. iv. 25. ‘Who was delivered for our offences,’ &c. God gave me some assistance in my discourses, and something of divine power attended the word; so that this was an agreeable season. Afterwards led them to a solemn renewal of their covenant, and fresh dedication of themselves to God. This was a season both of solemnity and sweetness, and God seemed to be ‘in the midst of us.’ Returned to my lodgings, in the evening, in a comfortable frame of mind’.


Larry Thompson said...

I can tell his congregation took the sacrament more seriously than mine,as they fasted and prayed all day to prepare. Thanks for sharing this entry.

Rebecca Stark said...
